Matching Air Conditioner Systems

You may hear about the need for matching air conditioner (AC) systems during replacement or installation. However, many people do not understand this critical requirement for AC systems. Below is an overview of AC matching and a review of problems you might face with mismatched systems.

Matching Parameters

AC matching involves getting several components or parts to work together. Below are AC parameters that should ideally match.

Major AC Parts

Your AC comprises several parts that work together to heat, cool, and ventilate your home. The major ones include:

  • The evaporator that absorbs heat inside the house
  • The condenser that releases heat outside the house
  • The blower that drives airflow throughout the system

These systems should match. For example, the condenser should be able to disperse the heat the evaporator absorbs. Similarly, the evaporator should cool the amount of air that the evaporator blows.

Parts Ages

Age matching means the different system parts are approximately of the same age. For example, if you have an aging AC that requires replacement, you should replace all the major parts. You should not, for example, replace the evaporator and ignore the condenser.

Parts Brands

Lastly, you should ensure all the major AC parts come from the same manufacturer or brand. For example, don't buy a condenser from manufacturer A, an evaporator from manufacturer B, and a blower from manufacturer C.

Effects of Mismatched Systems

A mismatched system won't serve you as well as a properly matched one. Below are the specific effects of a mismatched AC.

Increased Wear and Tear

Mismatching overworks the AC. The extra work increases wear and tear on some system parts. The increased wear and tear might cause frequent breakdowns and reduce the system's lifespan.

Efficiency Loss

A mismatched system overworks because it cannot cool your house to comfortable temperatures within normal timelines. Such an AC also suffers from energy inefficiency, which leads to higher energy bills.

Warranty Threat

Manufacturer warranty helps to service ACs that malfunction due to inherent manufacturing defects. However, your manufacturer might not honor your warranty if you use a mismatched system. Manufacturers understand the effects of using mismatched systems and know that some of these effects might mimic manufacturing defects.

You do not have to worry about AC design or installation parameters if working with a professional contractor. However, if you opt for the DIY route, you might end up with problems further down the line. Always use professional contractors for your AC needs and enjoy efficient services.

To learn more about air conditioning, contact a professional near you.
