4 Ways Of Increasing The Efficiency Of Your AC

The hot months can be hard to bear without air conditioning. As such, an AC unit is an indispensable air-cooling appliance that provides cool air and maintains optimum indoor conditions when you can no longer stand being outdoors. Ultimately, this means you must keep your cooling system in top shape to deliver maximum efficiency. On the other hand, if you skip your unit's maintenance, the cooling costs may spike while making your unit vulnerable to breakdowns. The following are ways of increasing the AC's efficiency.

Clean and Seal Ducts

If you change the AC filters intermittently, dust may bypass them and accumulate in the internal components and the ducts. Over time, this dust may build up, obstructing airflow. This leads to the AC working twice as hard to draw enough air for cooling, increasing energy usage. Additionally, dust build-up restricts the flow of cool air, resulting in weak airflow from vents. As a result, your cooling system will strain to maintain comfortable temperatures, making it run constantly. Thus, you should hire an AC maintenance expert to clear obstructions in the ducts and seal the duct material.

Clean The Condenser Unit

The condenser unit is vulnerable to damage by natural elements due to its outdoor placement. As such, plant matter and debris can infiltrate and block this part of your AC. Note that obstructions on the condenser hinder it from venting, causing it to overheat. This leads to the outdoor unit taking longer to expel heat, increasing power consumption. Therefore, you must clean the outdoor unit and vacuum the condenser fins and fan to remove excess dirt for effective heat dissipation.

Keep The Thermostat Away from Heat-Emitting Appliances

A thermostat will display the room temperature, allowing you to adjust it to a desired set point. However, if you place the thermostat near heat sources, it may malfunction. As a result, your thermostat may erroneously detect warmer temperatures on these surfaces, signaling the AC to run constantly to cool your home down, increasing your energy bills. Thus, place your thermostat in the middle of your house, away from heat sources and entry points, for maximum climate control.

Clear The Drain Line

Dirt and grime may accumulate in the drain line if you fail to service your unit. This may hinder water from draining away, causing water to back up in the drip pan. Eventually, water will overflow and leak, activating the float switch. When this happens, it leads to a hard start after resetting the switch, which consumes more energy. Therefore, you should engage an AC specialist to clear the drain line to prevent blockages.

A highly efficient system is vital in reducing your operational costs. Thus, you should schedule routine AC maintenance checks to ensure your cooling unit operates at peak efficiency.

Contact an AC services provider to learn more.  
